When it comes to something as important as your book launch you don’t want to take a gamble. Especially when you are wanting to build a business around your book so you can charge more for coaching, speaking and consulting.
This is YOUR business and YOUR FUTURE depends on you making the right decision and following a systematic CHECKLIST for SUCCESS to achieve Best Seller Status
When you are a new author it is up to you to grow your book launch momentum. Regardless if you are self publishing, traditional publishing or using a hybrid publisher. At the end of the day, it is really up to each individual author to build their brand, create buzz around their book launch and pull off a successful campaign with dozens of joint venture and affiliate partners.
There are a number of things you want working together synergistically 24 months prior to book launch. Here is THE LIST:
A Growing Tribe of Loyal Raving Fans
A ton of free, relevant content being syndicated to those fans on a consistent basis, via video, email, blogs and social media
A Growing email list of opted in subscribers
A Growing list of Joint Venture partners who can help you at book launch time by sharing
A Growing list of online and offline (traditional) media interviews
A Marketing budget that includes help growing your social media especially YouTube, blogs and Pay-Per-Click and Facebook ads.
A Hosting platform with you hosting a minimum of 100 podcast interviews or short video segments: ie: YouTube, Blog Talk Radio, i-tunes, etc…
Wanting to write and publish your book this year? Get Best Seller Status™ Becoming a Best-Selling Author in the Digital Age can be pre-ordered for $0.99 cents. ORDER NOW and get a FREE copy of the print book as well!
Thanks to our close friends and subscribers when you PRE-BUY RIGHT NOW you get the fully expanded and updated edition of this book available November 15th (the price will go up) but you can reserve your copy now and for pre orders from YOU we’ve set up this special link bit.ly/BestSellerStatusEbook you will get your .99 cents purchase refunded (remember when companies would send you a rebate check in the mail?) Simply forward your Amazon receipt to [email protected] with your mailing address and we’ll send out your check. In addition to that after the official e-book launch November 15, 2016 you will be allowed by Amazon to write a verified review. For those of you who leave us a review and we can’t ask you to give us 5 stars but if you give us any review we’ll forward out to you also a free print copy of the book free of charge on March 31, 2017.
Best Seller Status™ Becoming a Best-Selling Author in the Digital Age by Best-Selling Author Michael D. Butler
Most business experts agree that a new business does not expect to be in the black with positive cash flow for the first 5 years. Authors, who treat their book launch as a business, can truly succeed when they understand the need for diligence, patience, hard work and smart marketing.
About Michael D. Butler
America’s Book Launch Expert™ | Author | Publisher – BEYONDPUBLISHING.net
We help people publish their books and e-books.
We help authors and speakers sell more books so they can charge more for speaking and consulting.
A marathoner, prolific reader and single father of 4 sons.
As seen on Fox news Michael has been called a Book Launch Expert™ by Brian Tracy and his clients have been seen on Fox News, CNN, Dr. Phil, Fox Business, Inc 500, Garnered 2 Movie Deals, Dallas Morning News, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle and many more.
Ask an expert at BookLaunchExperts.com it is America’s Fastest Growing Author Community | Author Talent Scout @BestSellerStatus™
His Book Single Dads Survival Guide already a #1 Best Seller and his new book Best Seller Status™ Becoming a Best-Selling Author in the Digital Age can be pre-ordered for $0.99 cents. Michael can be reached at ([email protected])
Henry Ford taught us it takes a system BookSellingSystem™ BookSellingSystem.com
What are you waiting for? Doesn’t YOUR book deserve Best Seller Status™ ?
Blog post on BeyondPublishing.net posted 10/2/16 also being shared on M3NewMedia.net and MichaelDButler.com and BookSellingSystem.com