3.) iSquared Coaching™

iSquared Coachingis our entry level, 60 day solution for the author who thrives in a group environment. We pair you up with 11 other authors with similar goals, education levels and writing plans. Taking you through our certified training program our experienced writers, editors and Book Launch Expertshelp you achieve your Manuscript to Market strategy within 60 days. Once you fill out our customized assessment and pay the fee you, you receive a private consultation via phone and are added to our private group Coaching on Facebook.

iSquared Coachingis our 60 day solution for the author who likes to work in a group environment.

We take you through our proven 12 step master mind program ensuring you have the basics tools for maximum manuscript development and deployment. We provide you individualized and group coaching to ensure no student is left behind. You get a full money back guarantee if you complete all of the steps and do not have your manuscript complete.

This program retails for $1,500. For a LIMITED time we are offering a FREE 55 minute Webinar covering many of the points we cover in our 60 day program. To take advantage of this introductory offer

 RSVP NOW on Facebook for Jan 6th 

Clients who purchase iSquared Coaching™ get a full 100% credit applied to iSquared™ & iSquared Plus™ should they choose to upgrade

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