by Michael D. Butler | Sep 18, 2016 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Bonuses, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Books to Movies, Business Books, California Publisher, Faith Based Books, Featured Authors, Fiction, Ghost Writing, Health Books, Las Vegas Publisher, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Non Fiction, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
In this video Michael D. Butler, Book Launch Expert with helps you PRE MARKET your book by framing your story in the manuscript for fiction and non-fiction authors. Telling Your Story as an Author: I Stuttered as a Child and...
by Michael D. Butler | Jul 26, 2015 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, Book Launch Experts, Book Shows, Business Books, California Publisher
Statistically, new self published authors make less than $500 according to The Guardian. Many new and veteran authors overlook the potential power of social media when it comes to creating Online tribes and finding book buyers and book reviewers. While social media as...
by Michael D. Butler | Jun 7, 2015 | Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, Bonuses, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Business Books, Faith Based Books, Health Books, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
As an author have you asked yourself: “How can I get paid speaking gigs to sell more books and establish more credibility as an expert?” Getting paid speaking gigs is like being in College and trying to get credit to buy your first car. “I did over...
by Michael D. Butler | Mar 22, 2015 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Business Books, California Publisher, Featured Authors, Las Vegas Publisher, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Non Fiction, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
Last week I asked the question: When is the best time of year to launch your book? Today I want to talk about: Speaking Gigs that can Help Book Authors Sell More Books For the new author who wants to sell more books it just makes sense to strategically accept...
by Michael D. Butler | Feb 15, 2015 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System
Book Launch Expert™ Michael D. Butler asks, What is THE BEST Social Media Platform for Authors? Fiction & Non Fiction Authors Must be on for Best Seller Status™ Authors ask me every week: “What is THE BEST social media platform for me to be on?” For...