Book Selling Tip Helps Authors Generate 20% More Revenue in Book Sales

Authors who want to reach Best Seller Status can sell more books by following sound practical business advice. Someone once said, “Success leaves clues.” It’s no secret that the book selling system protocols of yester year no longer work today. But...

Your Story Becoming a Movie | Make-A-Wish Foundation | Your Brand

When it comes to building your brand online and creating multiple streams of income around your book, your business and your brand. Video marketing should be an integral part of all that you do and here’s why and is why video blogging should be a weekly thing on...
7 Step Book Launch Checklist to gain Best Seller Status for Authors

7 Step Book Launch Checklist to gain Best Seller Status for Authors

When it comes to something as important as your book launch you don’t want to take a gamble. Especially when you are wanting to build a business around your book so you can charge more for coaching, speaking and consulting. This is YOUR business and YOUR FUTURE...

Can You Hashtag Your Way to Best Seller Status™?

Can I #Hashtag My Way to Best-Seller Status™ The hashtag # popular since Twitter launched in 2006 has spread to other social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn and now almost entirely across the internet to help users and search engines index topically based...

Author Central and Good Reads and Why Every New Book Author should be Engaged

What is the most author-centric social media platform where all 100% of members are authors? If you said Author Central you are right. Amazon’s Author Central is a powerful connector platform for authors who want to stand out and get noticed. This platform in addition...