by Michael D. Butler | Jan 15, 2017 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Books to Movies, Business Books, California Publisher, Faith Based Books, Fiction, Ghost Writing, Health Books, Las Vegas Publisher, Los Angeles Publisher, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Non Fiction, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
Using the Invite| Engage| Grow| Broadcast™ Author Formula to Successfully Launch Your Book These 4 ingredients could be THE MISSING PIECE to your book launch! Invite| Engage| Grow| Broadcast™ Make this year YOU go…. BEYOND THE BOOK ~ BUILD YOUR BRAND ~ BECOME A...
by Michael D. Butler | Jan 3, 2017 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Books to Movies, Business Books, Faith Based Books, Fiction, Ghost Writing, Health Books, Las Vegas Publisher, Los Angeles Publisher, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Non Fiction, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
Twitter has become a very reliable news feed and micro-blogging platform since it launched in 2006. With so much new information showing up on Google globally each day the Internet struggles to index all of that content topically and relies heavily upon Twitter to...
by Michael D. Butler | Dec 4, 2016 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Business Books, Faith Based Books, Featured Authors, Fiction, Health Books, Michael D. Butler, Non Fiction, Self Help Books
Are you a Fiction or a Non-Fiction Author? Gone are the days of throwing your book up on a bookstore retail shelf and become an overnight instant best selling sensation are long over, unless of course someone in hollywood buys your story and makes a movie (sure that...
by Michael D. Butler | Nov 20, 2016 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Bonuses, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Books to Movies, Business Books, California Publisher, Faith Based Books, Featured Authors, Fiction, Ghost Writing, Health Books, Las Vegas Publisher, Los Angeles Publisher, Michael D. Butler, Mike and Mic Show, Non Fiction, Self Help Books, Speakers Bureau
The Carrot Factor in Taking Your Book #1 on NYT Best-Seller List Can carrots make your book go #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List or any list for that matter? When it comes to getting your book to #1 on Amazon, Wall Street Journal, USA Today or...
by Michael D. Butler | Nov 5, 2016 | Amazon Best Seller, Author Events, Author Marketing, Best Seller Status, BEYOND PUBLISHING, Bonuses, Book Launch Experts, Book Selling System, Book Shows, Books to Movies, Business Books, California Publisher, Faith Based Books, Featured Authors, Health Books, Michael D. Butler, Non Fiction, Self Help Books
Many a new and veteran author has asked: “Will getting my book into bookstores increase my book sales? Over the past decade I’ve heard hundreds of authors say, “If I could just get my book in the bookstore I know I could sell books.” In reality, the retail brick...